Cavapoo Training: When and How to Start for Success

Training Cavapoo


The intelligence, ability to grasp things quickly, friendly nature, and wholehearted efforts to please its owner are attributes that demand the Cavapoo to be regarded as a family member. Training a dog new trick takes time and dedication, but the payoff of having an obedient, happy pet makes it a worthwhile endeavor.

The Cavapoo dog breed, a hybrid of the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and Poodle has gained popularity for its reputation as a smart and obedient pet that takes well to training. To groom this breed further, there are certain principles and guidelines that must be taught to this Cavapoo puppy.

In all stages of training a Cavapoo, you need to exhibit patience, consistency, and well-mannered responses. Additionally, if you want to learn more in-depth about training Cavoodles, remain engaged with this article until the end.

Essential Cavapoo Training Supplies

Before you bring home your adorable Cavapoo puppy, it’s important to puppy-proof your home. Preparing the necessary training tools ahead of time facilitates the instruction process and enables dogs to pick up new behaviors more readily. Invest in these Cavapoo training essentials to start things off on the right paw!

Prevent Boredom Chewing

Provide an array of chew ropes, interactive puzzle toys, rubber fetch balls and stuffed animals without plastic pieces. Rotate toys to prevent boredom and deter chewing on forbidden household objects.

cavapoo chewing

Den-Like Dog Crate

A cozy crate serves as a secure place for naps, potty training and giving your puppy some quiet time. It should be just large enough for standing, turning, and laying down.

cavapoo training

Safety Tools

A properly fitted lightweight collar, engraved ID tag and a four- or six-foot leash are essential for walks, training and preventing escapes. Retractable leashes encourage pulling.

Feeding Supplies

Invest in elevated, non-tip stainless steel bowls for mess-free eating and drinking. Dog crates with den-like enclosures are simple to maintain, long-lasting, and provide a cozy, accessible retreat for puppies.

Reward Good Behavior

Have plenty of tiny soft training treats on hand to motivate and reward your puppy during teaching sessions. Break them into pea-sized pieces for quick rewards. You can also use tiny bits of fruit or vegetables for healthy motivation.

How to Train a Cavapoo?

Training a Cavapoo involves several key elements, including patience, positive reinforcement, and consistency. When teaching a canine companion, the following guidance may prove useful for properly conveying desired behaviors:

Start Early

Beginning behavioral training with a Cavapoo pup when first adopting them allows for early socialization and habit formation. Due to the limited focus on early development, puppy training periods should be short and occur regularly to maximize retention. 

Employing supportive training methods, like providing snacks and verbal affirmation as rewards, can promote the learning of desired conduct in canines.

Socialize and Expose

Introducing your Cavapoo puppy to many people and places early on is very important for them to grow into a well-behaved adult dog. Letting your puppy explore, meet people and other pets, and go to many places can help avoid behavioral problems when they are older. This helps them become a more confident, comfortable, and adaptable adult dog.

Use Positive Reinforcement

Using praise and rewards is the best way to train your puppy. It helps them learn behaviors more effectively. Reward your Cavapoo with treats, praise, or playtime when they display desirable behavior. Don’t punish or yell at your puppy during training. This can make them afraid and lose trust in you.

Be Consistent

Being persistent with training is very important for your Cavapoo puppy. Use the same training commands and treats every time. Make sure everyone in your family trains the puppy in the same positive way. This consistency helps the Cavapoo learn properly.

Be Patient

Training a dog takes time and patience. Don’t get frustrated if your puppy does not learn something right away. Have frequent, short, fun training times. Praise your puppy for little successes.

Cavapoo Potty Training

Teaching appropriate bathroom habits indoors is one of the most vital parts of instructing a Cavapoo pup. It’s tempting to wait until your cute Cavapoo is fully mature before training. 

But putting it off can lead to behavioral issues and a struggle with teaching bladder control. Puppies desire structure and consistency.

Here are some tips to help of potty train your Cavapoo effectively:

Establish a Routine

Take your Cavapoo puppy outside often – first thing in the morning, after eating, after playing, and before bedtime. Going potty regularly in the right place will help teach them good habits.

Experts recommend starting housetraining when you bring your 8-to 12-week-old puppy home. Puppies need to pee a lot since their bladders are small. Jumping on training early gets them to do their business outside.

Use Positive Reinforcement

When your Cavapoo puppy uses the right potty spot, treat them and say, “Good dog. Rewarding them for going to the right area makes good potty behavior more likely. Use the same potty-training commands every time.

Be Consistent with Cues

Use a consistent cue or phrase, such as “go potty,” when taking your Cavapoo out to do their business. Using the same commands for potty training helps your puppy connect those words with the behavior you want them to do.

Supervise and Limit Access

Watch your Cavapoo puppy carefully inside the house. Only allow them in certain rooms at first to avoid indoor accidents. If you see your puppy having an accident inside, gently stop them and bring them outdoors without getting upset.

Be Patient and Persistent

Potty training can take time and patience. Praise any progress your puppy makes. Don’t lose hope if there are some mistakes. Your Cavapoo will learn to go potty in the designated areas with consistency and positive reinforcement.

Are Cavapoos Easy to Train?

Cavapoos are usually easy to train. They are very smart and like to make their owners happy. Cavapoos learn fast. Giving them praise and treats during training works well. However, like any dog, Cavapoos requires consistent training and socialization from an early age to develop good behavior and manners.

How to Practically Train a Cavapoo Puppy?

Cavapoos are naturally outgoing dogs – they love their people! While adorable, their energetic personality also needs proper guidance. Our training tips give structure for you and your pup to thrive. Learn the hands-on ways to instill good manners in your charming Cavapoo.

Quieting Excessive Barking

Cavapoos may bark to alert, play, or relieve boredom.

To reduce barking, try:

  • Desensitize your puppy to triggers like the doorbell through exposure. Use treats to reward quiet behavior.
  • Address separation anxiety if present. Provide activity upon departures and stuffed Kongs for distraction.
  • If your puppy stays quiet when they should, give them a treat. This will teach them to avoid barking when unwanted.

Reducing Play Biting

Nipping and mouthing are normal but unwanted Cavapoo behaviors, especially in puppies. Redirect by:

  • Always having plentiful chew toys on hand for distraction. Rotate to keep them interesting.
  • Say “no bite,” then place a toy into the puppy’s mouth if they nip fingers or clothing.
  • Leaving the room briefly if biting persists. Return once calmed down and try playing again.
cavapoo biting

Preventing Jumps Up on People

Cavapoos love to greet their owners excitedly. But jumping can be dangerous and unwanted. Here are tips:

  • Socialize your Cavapoo thoroughly early on. Introduce them to all types of people.
  • Ask guests to turn away from jumping puppies until all four paws are on the floor.
  • Practice sit stays upon arrivals and departures. Always reward calm behaviour.
  • If jumping persists, leash your puppy during transitions when temptation is high.

Loose Leash Walking

Cavapoos often pull-on leashes, which can harm their trachea.


  • Stop moving when your puppy pulls. Wait until the leash slackens before resuming movement.
  • Allow sniffing and exploring on a longer training lead, then ask for focus. Reward check-ins.
  • Work on obedience cues like a heel. Keep initial training sessions short and engaging.

Deterring Digging

Digging may indicate boredom, anxiety, or instinct.

To prevent:

  • Ensure your Cavapoo gets sufficient walks, playtime, toys, and attention from you.
  • Designate a dog-friendly area in the yard using sand or dirt. Bury toys and treats to encourage approved digging there.
  • Use natural deterrents, like placing dog waste in unwanted areas.

Stopping Counter Surfing and Food Stealing

Cavapoos are smart and curious dogs that explore with their mouths. This means they may try to steal human food.

Here is how to tackle this:

  • Ensure your Cavapoo gets sufficient walks, playtime, toys, and attention from you.
  • Remove access to tempting food instead of chasing or yelling at them.
  • Practice having your puppy sit or lie down while you prep food. Reward them for good behavior.
  • Teach “leave it” and “off” using treats and praise.

Preventing Destructive Chewing

Puppies explore items by putting them in their mouths, which can damage belongings.

Prevent this by:

  • Keeping socks, shoes, kids’ toys, remotes and more out of reach. Use baby gates, doors, or storage bins.
  • Smearing bitter anti-chew spray on furniture corners or baseboards if needed.
  • Providing a variety of “chewies” like frozen Kongs stuffed with peanut butter or puppy-safe rawhides.

Housetraining Essentials

Potty accidents will happen with young Cavapoos.

Have patience and try:

  • Sticking to a consistent feeding and potty schedule, about every 2 hours for puppies.
  • When your puppy goes potty outside successfully, give praise and treats right away to produce good behavior in them.
  • Use a special pet cleaner to remove the smell when your puppy has an indoor accident.
  • Gently interrupt them, then usher them outside if you catch them in the act of eliminating indoors.

Be consistent and proactively manage your Cavapoo’s environment during training. Consider professional help if struggling with any unwanted behaviors. The key is redirecting to good conduct using patience, praise, and rewards.

Some Good Manners Training Approaches

Getting a new Cavapoo puppy is a very fun and happy time.! But all that cute rambunctiousness needs guidance to shape good behaviors. Here are 4 effective training approaches.

Praise & Treats

This positive reinforcement method showers your puppy with praise, pets, and tasty treats when they demonstrate good conduct. For example, instantly reward outdoor potties or sit politely to be leashed. Over time, they associate obedience with rewards. Ignore minor bad behavior rather than scolding.

Providing a cozy

Provide a cozy, den-like crate with familiar blankets and toys where your Cavapoo can relax when you’re away or sleep at night. Crate training aids housebreaking routines and gives them a quiet, safe space. Follow guidelines on duration based on age. Make it a happy place, never a punishment.

Clicker Sounds

Use a handheld clicker to mark desired actions like coming when called. Immediately follow the click with a treat so your puppy starts to connect the sound with praise and food. Phase-out eventually occurs as the click itself becomes reinforcement.


“Do What I Do” trains your pup to pay attention and mimic simple behaviors like sitting down or spinning. Have tasty treats ready when they copy your actions. Clicker training can capture the exact wanted behavior. This builds their confidence in following you.

With patience and consistency using these methods, your Cavapoo will be well on its way to manners and obedience. The results are a bonded, well-behaved pup and a proud pet parent!

cavapoo sleep

Effective Tips to Train Your Cavapoo Puppy

Start with Basic Commands

Start by teaching simple cues like telling them to sit down, wait in one spot, or walk over to you.” Apply positive conduct and techniques, including treats and affection, to motivate your puppy to demonstrate polite manners and make the training sessions fun and engaging.

Socialize Early

Let your Cavapoo puppy meet and have positive experiences with many different people, animals, and places from a young age. This helps them become friendly, confident adult dog.

Use Puppy-Friendly Training Methods

When training a Cavapoo puppy, use puppy-friendly training methods that involve short sessions, plenty of playtime, and treats as rewards. Do not scold or punish your puppy in a mean way. This can hurt your friendship with them.

Be Consistent and Patient

Patience and always training your Cavapoo puppy in the same way are very important. Stick to the same commands, routines and be prepared for setbacks and distractions. Celebrate small victories and keep training sessions positive and engaging.

Final Verdict

Bringing home a Cavapoo puppy is an exciting new chapter! Begin potty training your Cavapoo when you first take them home at 8 to 12 weeks old. Early consistency with feeding schedules, rewards, crates, and accident management is key to forming good habits. Don’t get frustrated by mistakes – that’s part of the process.

Following the tips and techniques outlined in this article can help your Cavapoo develop good behavior and manners while strengthening your bond with your furry friend. With positive and persistent training, you’ll have your cute Cavapoo relieved itself outdoors in no time, saving your floors and carpets!

Frequently Asked Questions

The time it takes to potty train a Cavapoo can vary, but with consistent training and positive reinforcement, most Cavapoos can be potty trained within a few months.

Cavapoos tend to be trainable dogs owing to their smartness and desire to satisfy their human caretakers. However, like any dog, they require consistent training and socialization from an early age to develop good behavior and manners.

The optimal approach for training Cavapoo puppies involves positive incentivization. Reward desirable conduct with goodies, affectionate words, or fun activities.

Cavapoos tend to be lively dogs that need a medium amount of physical activity. Taking your puppies on daily walks, playing with them, and doing training games will help make them cheerful, polite dog.

Some common behavioral issues in Cavapoos include barking, separation anxiety, and digging or chewing. Proper training, socialization, and meeting your Cavapoo’s exercise and mental stimulation needs can help prevent or address these issues.

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