Mini Cavapoo: Everything You Want To Know About Dog Breeds

mini cavapoo


The Cavapoo is a mix of a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and a Poodle. It has become popular as a special dog over the last decade. Typically weighing 20- 35 pounds, Cavapoos are recognized for their smartness, playful behavior, and loving personality.

Within the Cavapoo breed is a size variation – the standard Cavapoo and the miniature or “mini” Cavapoo. It represent the smaller end of the Cavapoo spectrum, typically maxing out at around 20 pounds. Their diminutive size makes them an excellent choice for small homes or apartments.

This comprehensive guide will explore everything you need to know about miniature Cavapoos, from their appearance and temperament to care, health, training, and finding a reputable breeder. As a dog enthusiast with over a decade of experience, I’ll share my insights to help you decide if a Cavapoo mini is the right pet for you!

Mini Cavapoo Origins

To understand the smallest Cavapoo, it’s helpful to learn about the history of its parent breeds.

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel first came from the United Kingdom and was bred primarily as a companion dog for nobility. Their name comes from King Charles II, who adored the breed.

Cavaliers have a delightful temperament – gentle, playful, and eager to please. They enjoy being with people and are great as therapy dogs. In terms of appearance, Cavaliers have a smooth, silky coat, droopy ears, and large round eyes that give them an expressive, mellow look.

Today, Cavaliers remain popular family pets. However, they need frequent grooming and might face specific health problems like mitral valve disease.

The Poodle


Poodles first appeared in Germany, created as dogs to bring back things from the water. While swimming, their non-shedding coats were intentionally left long to provide warmth and protection.

Over time, Poodles became popular circus performers and eventually transitioned into companion pets. Many think they’re smart and easy to teach among the cleverest dogs.

Poodles are found in three different sizes: standard, miniature, and toy. They are athletic, highly energetic dogs that require daily exercise and stimulation. Besides their signature curly coats, Poodles are known for their alert, attentive attitude.

Breeders aimed to create a friendly, adaptable hybrid dog suitable for urban living environments by crossing Cavaliers and Poodles. The result was the cavapoo – bringing together the good qualities of both kinds of dog parents.

Comparative Overview Between Cavapoo and Mini Cavapoo

The Cavapoo comes in both standard and miniaturized sizes. While similar in temperament, there are some notable differences between full-sized Cavapoos and Mini Cavadoodle regarding size, grooming needs, activity levels, and health considerations. Let’s understand their differences through the table given below:



Mini Cavapoo


16 -18 inches tall, 20 – 35 lbs

12 -16 inches tall, 13 – 20 lbs

Coat Type

Wavy or curly, shedding varies

Thicker curlier coat, low shedding


Affectionate, playful, outgoing

Intelligent, gentle, friendly

Activity Level

Moderate, require daily walks

Mellow, lower exercise needs


Moderate grooming needed

Easier to groom due to smaller size

Responsive, eager to please

Highly trainable

Living Spaces

Adaptable, can live in apartments

Excellent for apartments and condos

Family Dog

Great family companion

Wonderful family pet

Health Issues

Heart problems, ear infections

Less health issues due to hybrid vigor

Let’s have a Look at Mini Cavapoo Generations

The Cavapoo is a mix of a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and a Poodle, and it’s becoming a liked type of dog. There are several filial generations of the Cavapoo, from first-generation crosses to multigenerational Cavapoos, each with slightly different traits and breeding aims. Let’s discuss them in detail.

F1 Mini Cavapoo

The F1 tiny Cavapoo is the first kind of Cavapoo, made by mixing a small Poodle with a special kind of dog called a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. As a first-generation cross, the F1 often demonstrates hybrid vigor, leading to better health. F1 Mini Cavapoos typically have a wavy, teddy bear-like coat and appearance.

F1 cavapoo F1b cavapoo

F1b Mini Cavapoo

The F1b Mini Cava poo is the second filial generation achieved by backcrossing an F1 with a purebred Miniature Poodle parent. This introduces more Miniature Poodle genes and enhances the hypoallergenic qualities of the coat. The F1b is a popular choice for those with pet-related allergies.

F1bb Mini Cavapoo

Breeding an F1b Cavapoo Mini with a Miniature Poodle produces the F1bb generation. These dogs are predominantly Poodles with a curlier, more allergy-friendly coat. The F1bb is sought after by allergy sufferers looking for a low-shedding hybrid.

F2 Mini Cavapoo

F2 Mini Cavapoos result from crossing two F1 Cavapoo parents. The F2 maintains a balanced mix of Poodle and Cavalier King Charles Spaniel traits, inheriting features from both grandparent breeds. F2 breeders aim for greater control over coat colors/types.

Multigene Mini Cavapoo

After several generations of Cavapoo-to-Cavapoo breeding, the resulting dogs are often called “multigen” Cavapoos. Multigen breeding aims to solidify the most desirable Cavapoo traits over multiple generations of selective breeding.

Mini Cavapoo Size and Appearance

cavapoo size

One of the defining features of miniature Cavapoos is their small stature. On average, mini Cavapoos size is between 13 and 20 pounds and 12 to 16 inches tall at the shoulder. Males and female dogs are usually about the same size.

In terms of general appearance, mini Cavapoos share many of the same physical attributes as the standard Cavapoo, just on a smaller scale:

Head and Ears

A mini cava poo’s head is rounded with a moderate stop. The ears hang close to the head, resembling a Cavalier’s.


Mini cava poos inherit a shorter muzzle from their Cavalier lineage. The muzzle is tapered but still slightly elongated


Tiny Cavapoos have large, round, protruding eyes that give them an alert expression reminiscent of a Poodle’s. The color of their eyes might be different, like shades of hazel, brown, or blue.


small Cavapoos have a sturdy, square-proportioned body balanced by fairly short legs.


The tail of a little Cavapoo full grown is long and feathery, typically carrying over the back in a plume.

However, when it comes to coats, there can be greater variation amongst smallest Cavapoos:

Coat Texture

Miniature Cavapoos can inherit the Poodle’s tight curls or have a silkier, wavier coat from their Cavalier ancestry. Coat texture can land anywhere between the two extremes.

Coat Color

Cavapoos mini coats come in solid, single colors or with mixed markings like parti, tri-color, Blenheim (chestnut and white), or merle variations. Common colors include black, white, chestnut, apricot, red, and brown.

Cavapoos mini have a pleasantly soft, cuddly appearance that matches their affectionate personality as a hybrid companion breed.

Temperament and Personality Traits

One of the main reasons mini cava poos have surged in popularity is because of their wonderful temperament. Tiny Cavapoos inherit the best personality traits of the Cavalier and Poodle to create a family-friendly hybrid.

cavapoo Temperament

Here’s an overview of a typical mini cava poo’s temperament:


Mini cava poos form extremely strong bonds with their owners. They crave human interaction and plenty of petting and cuddling.


With their energetic Poodle ancestry, mini Cavadoodles love to play. They enjoy engaging in games and especially relish interactive playtime with their owners.


Thanks to their Poodle parentage, mini cava poo are bright dogs able to easily pick up commands and tricks. But they aren’t overly headstrong.


The smallest Cavapoos get along wonderfully with people of all ages. They rarely demonstrate shyness or aggression when properly socialized.


Despite their playful side, petite Cavapoos are gentle and docile indoors. They enjoy lounging with their owners and are happy with not too much running around.


Mini Cavapoos thrive in various living situations, from houses with big yards to city apartments. They can adjust to their environment.

For experienced and first-time dog owners alike, it’s easy to see why the miniature Cavapoo temperament makes them such an exceptional pet. Their eagerness to please, paired with an affectionate, upbeat attitude, is hard to resist!

Mini Cavadoodle Care and Maintenance

While the smallest Cavoodle make wonderful companion pets, they do require a certain level of care and maintenance. As a prospective tiny Cavapoo owner, be prepared to provide for the following basic needs:


Cavapoos mini have a moderately energetic exercise requirement. They need around 30-60 minutes of activity per day. Mini Cavapoo owners should plan to:

  • Take two 20-30 walks daily
  • Play interactive games like fetching and tug-of-war
  • Allow exploratory play in a safely fenced yar

Mental stimulation is also important for mini Cavapoos to prevent boredom and destructive behaviors. Food puzzle toys and obedience training are great ways to engage their minds.


Those with a curlier Poodle coat require professional grooming every 4-6 weeks. Their hair continuously grows and needs regular trims to keep their coat manageable. In between appointments, daily brushing helps prevent painful mats and tangles.

Depending on their coat type, tiny Cavapoos can be lower or higher maintenance regarding grooming needs.

Mini cava poos with a smooth, silky coat are less maintenance. Occasional brushing (2-3 times per week) and a bath every few months are usually sufficient. Trim the facial hair around the eyes as needed.

Nail clipping, ear cleaning, and dental care are part of the regular grooming routine for all cute little Cavapoos. Introduce these procedures early on to get smallest Cavapoos comfortable with handling.


Thanks to their people-pleasing nature, Cavapoos mini are simple to teach using nice and encouraging methods. Start socialization and training early to build good behaviors.

Tiny Cavadoodles thrive on praise and food rewards. Housetraining is simpler for mini cava poos when on a consistent feeding and potty break schedule. Be patient and consistent during training of miniature Cavapoos aim to get it right!

Basic obedience, crate training, and socialization are musts. The smallest Cavapoos also enjoy learning tricks and competing in canine sports like agility, which provide mental stimulation.


Follow your veterinarian’s guidelines to feed your tiny Cavapoo a nutritionally balanced diet. Deciding how much to feed them depends on how much they move around, how old they are, and whether they’re healthy.

On average, mini Cavapoos need 1/2 to 1 cup of high-quality dry dog food split into two daily meals. Purchase an appropriate kibble for your mini cava poo’s size and life stage.

Monitor treats, avoid table scraps, and stick to scheduled feeding times. Since petite Cavapoos are prone to weight gain, don’t overfeed. Provide fresh water at all times.


The smallest Cavapoos thrive on human interaction and companionship. Their perfect home is where someone is around most of the day to provide affection, attention, and playtime.

Mini Cavapoos may feel upset if they’re alone and have separation worries. If introduced properly, they can also be good friends with other pets. But they prefer being with their people above all else!

Providing adequate exercise, grooming, training, and companionship will ensure your mini  Cavapoo lives a comfortable, enriched life. These little creatures reward their owners with unwavering loyalty and love when their needs are consistently met.

Mini Cava poo Health and Care

In general, Cavapoos mini are fairly healthy dogs thanks to hybrid vigor. Like any breed, they might sometimes have certain health problems you should know about. Here’s an overview of tiny Cavapoo health concerns:


The typical lifespan of a healthy small Cavapoo is 10-15 years. Provide excellent preventative and routine veterinary care to help your mini Cavadoodle reach full life expectancy.

Common Issues

Ear Infections

The smallest Cavapoos’ floppy ears trap moisture. Combined with allergies, this makes ear infections more likely. Check and clean your ears regularly.

Patellar Luxation

Loose knee joints are caused by malformed hind legs. Mild cases can be managed with exercise limitations, or surgery may be required in moderate to severe instances.

Heart Disease

Tiny Cavapoos can inherit a predisposition for mitral valve disease from their Cavalier lineage. Have a veterinary cardiologist evaluate their heart health.


Weight gain is common if mini cava poos are overfed. Measure food portions and limit treats.


The dog parents of these little ones may sometimes have problems with their skin and be sensitive to certain foods. Manage allergies through diet, medications, or immunotherapy.

Take your dog to the vet regularly to catch any possible health problems early. Discuss recommended health screens for your mini Cavapoo with your veterinarian. Purchase pet insurance to offset costs should an illness or injury occur.

Is the Hypoallergenic Trait Present in Mini Cava poos?

Tiny Cavapoos are not completely non-allergic dogs but tend to shed little and make less dander. This makes them good for many people with allergies. Their Poodle parents give them qualities that are friendly for allergies. Later generations like the F1b and F1bb with more Poodle genes are better for allergies than early Cavapoos. Proper washing and grooming also lower the things that cause allergies.

Mini Cavadoodle are better for allergies than other dogs, especially later generations with more Poodle.

Grooming Safety

Take steps to make grooming safe and comfortable for your miniature cava poo:

  • Introduce grooming tools and handling from a young age. Use only dog-safe products.
  • To prevent clipper irritation, invest in quality clippers. Sharpen the blades regularly for a smooth cut.
  • Never leave a mini cava poo unattended on a grooming table to avoid falls. Position safely.
  • After bathing, thoroughly dry your tiny Cavapoo’s coat to prevent chilling and skin irritation.
  • Carefully clean facial folds, under the eyes, and around the vulva area to prevent infections from moisture buildup.

By teaching the smallest Cavapoos to enjoy grooming and using proper techniques, you can avoid making it a stressful experience. Always reward and praise them for their cooperation!

Comparing Toy Cavapoos and Mini Cava poos

The Cavapoo breed offers two popular size varieties, the Toy Cavapoo and the slightly larger petite Cavapoo. While the two share many traits common to all Cavapoos, some key differences exist between Toy and Mini Cava poos in size, activity needs, and recommended living spaces. Let’s try to understand their differences through the table given below:

Features Comparison


Toy Cavapoo

Mini Cavapoo


Very small, bred from Toy Poodles

Slightly larger than Toys, bred from Miniature Poodles


7-13 lbs

 13 to 20 lbs


9-12 inches

12 to 16 inches

Activity Level

Lower energy, less exercise needed

Moderate energy, daily walks recommended


Affectionate, gentle, lapdog tempo

Outgoing, playful, robust tempo


Eager to please, highly trainable

Intelligent and trainable

Space Needs

Excellent for apartments and small dwellings

Adaptable, good for most living spaces


Requires regular brushing and clipping

Low-shedding coat needs consistent grooming


Prone to heart issues and luxating patellas

Typically robust health

Tips for Training Cavapoo Mini

The intelligence and eagerness to please tiny Cavapoos make training them a delight compared to other breeds. Here are some top tips for successfully preparing your miniature Cavapoo:

Use Positive Reinforcement

Petite Cavapoos like learning when you use nice and encouraging ways to teach them. Praise, treats, and play are the best rewards. Never use punishment like yelling or roughness – it will damage your bond.

Establish a Routine

Consistency helps mini cava poos learn routines faster. Create a plan for when to give food, take them outside, teach them things, and have fun with them.

Practice Early Socialization

Between 8 and 16 weeks old, let your tiny cava poo meet many people, go to different places, hear different sounds, and have different experiences. This builds confidence and friendliness.

Keep Training Sessions Short

Miniature cava poos have shorter attention spans. When teaching, keep it short, around 10-15 minutes at most, and finish with something good to make them happy. Try again later once their energy is recharged.

Make It Fun!

Incorporate play and variety into training sessions to prevent boredom. Switch up locations, toys used, and types of treats. Learning new tricks keeps mini cava poos engaged.

Be Patient

Some skills may take longer to master. If your mini Cavapoo is struggling, go back to basics and build up gradually. Avoid frustration.

Use a Crate

Some skills may take longer to master. If your mini Cavapoo is struggling, go back to basics and build up gradually. Avoid frustration.

Final Thoughts

With their friendly personality, moderate activity needs, and eager-to-please nature, it’s no wonder tiny Cavapoos have become a sought-after hybrid dog breed. When purchased from a responsible breeder and properly cared for throughout their lifespan, miniature Cavapoos make wonderful companions for individuals, couples, and families. Their small size makes them an ideal pet for apartment living, too. For those seeking a loyal, affectionate pup that enjoys being close to their people, the mini cava poo perfectly fits the bill. With appropriate exercise, training, and veterinary care, smallest Cavapoos will thrive and hold a special place in their owner’s hearts for years to come.


Absolutely! When properly introduced to different people and other pets in the house, petite cavapoos become great friends with children and other animals. Always monitor young kids and introduce dogs slowly. Their friendly temperament helps mini cava poos thrive in active households.

Mini cava poos need 30-60 minutes of activity each day. Take them on two 20-30-minute walks and provide active playtime like fetching or a puppy agility course. Mentally stimulating games are also important.

Depending on coat type, tiny cavapoos need professional grooming every 4-8 weeks and daily brushing. Use a slicker brush and metal comb. Bath when dirty using dog shampoo. Trim hair around eyes and clean ears regularly.

Yes, miniature cavapoos are highly trainable! Use positive reinforcement and be patient, consistent, and creative during training sessions. Their eagerness to please makes mini cava poos a joy for novice owners to work with.

Expect to pay $1,500 to $3,500+ for a mini cava poo from a responsible breeder. Avoid very cheap puppies that likely come from puppy mills. The investment is well worth it for a happy, healthy mini Cavadoodle!

Mini cava poos are not usually excessive barkers, especially when sufficiently exercised and stimulated. However, they can become nuisance barkers if bored, lonely, or anxious. Proper training and companionship prevent most excessive vocalization.

Miniature cavapoos are considered low-shedding dogs thanks to their Poodle ancestry. They lose hair as humans do rather than in full-blown “shedding” seasons. Regular brushing catches loose hair. Mini cava poos with curlier coats shed less than those with a silkier coat.

To train a mini Cavapoo includes, take puppies out consistently every 2 hours, after meals, naps, and playtime. Immediately praise and reward correct outdoor potties. Limit indoor access and crate training until the puppy can control its bladder. Thoroughly clean any indoor accidents. Most puppies can be potty trained in 2-4 months.

The most common health issues in mini cavapoos include ear infections, patellar luxation, heart disease, eye diseases, allergies, and obesity. Reputable breeders screen parent dogs to minimize risk. Still, regular veterinary care is key to catching problems early. Insuring your mini cavapoo can offset costs.